We're not just raising little boys, but working at raising GOOD MEN!


Percy Bartley House focuses on building capacity and family reintegration in the lives of marginalised and afflicted boys for their positive contribution in families and communities.

Life Options

Affording our boys opportunities to better lives through education and support

Emergency Placements

Emergency placement in a safe environment for boy children in need

Educational Programmes

Education is key in getting them right on track 

Counselling & Therapy

Dealing with the emotional dimension of the young persons life proves to be of enormous benefit to the further care plan of the youth. 

HIV & AIDS Support Group

The HIV/Aids program is a program to care and support those who are infected and affected by HIV/Aids and families of the boys.

Family Preservation

Ultimately, family preservation is our goal.  This aspect of our work helps both families and the child to prepare for this. 

Mentoring Programme

We mentor them, so they can in turn mentor their peers.  

Art Classes

Not only is Art lots of fun, but it is also used as a form of therapy that helps build and improve self-esteem.


There are various ways you can help. Financial donations are always welcome, but by passing on to us goods in kind or volunteering by giving us your expertise or time can go a long way to changing the life of our boys.


We would love to hear from you!! Whether you're looking for a volunteer opportunity, wanting to make a much needed donation or would just need additional information - please don't hesitate to contact us.


44 Pine Road, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa,  7925

P.O.Box 13046, Woodstock 7915

Tel: +27 021 447 5722  /  Fax: +27 021 447 0919

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